Following are the few of the features-:
Institute provide guarantee to every student under GPS- PAHLE PRASHIKSHAN PHIR PLACEMENT (4P) and Training & Employment Every student after admission, getting training & an completion of training, after success in Exam will be provided the sure placement. Guarantee card will be provided at the turn of Admission under this scheme.
2. SCHOLARSHIP & FEES-REIMBURSEMENTThis Institute provide scholarship & Fees re-imbursement to each & every candidate as this institute is authorized & eligible for scholarship. The candidate has the responsibility to submit all documents- Cast/ Income/ Domicile certificate, Aadhar Card, Qualification Documents, and Account is the bank at local level as per Instructions of the Institute. The candidate has to fulfill all the candidates, attend class regularly, deposite fees in time and to erase all the objections of the social welfare of concerned dept.
3. DUAL SYSTEM OF TRAININGIn this Institute Dual System of Training is applicable, under which candidate will work in Industry skills Training for 6-12 months in Two Years course & 3-6 Months in one year course.
4. EARN WHILE YOUR LEARNDuring the training you can earn doing job in Industry.
Extracurricular activities help students gain experience in a variety of areas that will enhance their future. Through participation in sports, students learn cooperation, teamwork and time management. By serving as an officer in an organization, students learn responsibility, problem solving and communication.
6.STUDENT MENTOR SHIP PROGRAMOne condition of being accepted into the program is that attendance at program activities are mandatory.Staff and faculty who have conflicts at these times will have to participate in a different session of the program.
7. CULTURAL & TECHANICAL EVENTSCollege days are among the best days of our life — the friends we make, the time we spend hanging out in the canteen, sharing everything from class notes to class gossip and full of exciting events. During which a student learns new things and comes across several experiences. College festivals offer a chance to do all this and much more to a fresher who is willing to hop on to the festival bandwagon. Every student should experience this organization process at least once during the course of their undergraduate studies. It instills the importance of originality and individuality that are the most vital aspects of engineering. In fact you have to say that the importance of Technical and Cultural Events in college equals the importance of education.